The Group Aims to Help Achieve Carbon Neutrality By 2050
North Brunswick, NJ —
Today around 40 volunteers from The International WeLoveU Foundation [hereinafter WeLoveU] SHI and Black Culture Collectives teamed up to plant seeds at the E.A.R.T.H. Center. The event included planting sunflowers at the Rows for the Hungry, transplanting perennials in the native plant nursery and maintaining over 1,150 plants. Planting fresh produce and native plants will reduce carbon emissions, which aligns with WeLoveU’s Mom’s Garden Project that aims to plant 1 million trees by 2026. The effort is part of WeLoveU and SHI’s commitment to plant 1,000 seeds from now until September.

“I’m thrilled to announce the collaboration between The WeLoveU Foundation, SHI and the Black Culture Collective as we work together to enrich our communities through these planting events. Each tree planted brings us closer not only to our environmental goals but also strengthens the communal bonds that make our neighborhoods vibrant and resilient,” said Kevin English, Senior Director of Modern Workplace Services at SHI.
According to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, planting trees and plants improves air quality, boosts mental and physical health, protects people from diseases, combats climate change, and acts as a vital source of food and nutrition. Trees also reduce the effects of flooding and the amount of stormwater runoff that causes erosion and pollution in waterways.
As we honor our past and nurture our future, planting seeds brings back fond memories of our childhood. Reminiscing about how her grandfather used to plant seeds, she realized, “As we grow and evolve, we must not forget to plant the seeds of love that will blossom for our children,” says Monica Martinez Milan, Board Member of the Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of NJ.
“If global warming continues to accelerate, we will encounter a climate crisis that cannot be addressed by human efforts,” explained WeLoveU Program Coordinator, Jessica LoGreco. “In 2022, WeLoveU began the Mom’s Garden Project to encourage our communities to join us in taking action to restore our ecosystems, conserve the natural environment, and significantly reduce our carbon footprint through tree planting efforts. We’re thrilled to carry out this environmental protection project with SHI and the New Jersey community.”
The activity was sponsored by SHI International.

About the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation
Founder and Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah established the International WeLoveU Foundation in 2001— which is associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications (UN DGC) — as a vehicle to deliver a mother’s love to neighbors in need. The Chairwoman took a grassroots approach by personally interacting with and caring for the needs of people in her community and her efforts inspired the spirit of volunteerism into the hearts of many. Over the past two decades, WeLoveU has extended its reach to over 73 countries in 249 regions, impacting countless lives through initiatives spanning emergency relief, education, health, environment, and community well-being. With the dedication of over 300,000 volunteers worldwide, WeLoveU inspires a healthy and hopeful future for many. For more information, visit weloveuusa.org.
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About SHI
Our brand philosophy is built on the principles of integrity, innovation, and collaboration, as we are always looking for new ways to improve our services and help our customers solve what’s next in their organization. At SHI, we believe success is not based in conversion, but conversation, and nurturing our relationships with customers, partners, and our employees.
About the E.A.R.T.H. Center
The agriculture and Resource Management Department of Rutgers Cooperative Extension (RCE) of Middlesex County is committed to providing practical educational programs and research that benefits county residents, especially the 35-million-dollar agricultural industry and the 45-million-dollar landscape industry. There are over 19,000 acres of land devoted to agricultural crop production in the county. This is approximately 10% of the total land in the county. The Ag division’s Master Gardeners program consists of trained volunteers who assist Rutgers Cooperative Extension in its mission to deliver horticulture programs and information to the general public.
Our headquarters at the E.A.R.T.H. Center (Environment, Agriculture, Research , Teaching, Horticulture), located in Davidson’s Mill Pond Park (a Middlesex County park) provides demonstration gardens for homeowners, landscapers, and local and county officials, showing how to plant and maintain gardens that use minimal chemical inputs, conserve water, and reduce stormwater runoff.