Life in Prison for Mexican ex-Secretary!
Photographic reproduction of a drawing by artist Jane Rosenberg showing former Mexican Public Security Secretary Genaro García Luna as he awaits the verdict of his trial on February 21, 2023 in the Eastern Federal Court in New York (USA). EFE/ Jane Rosenberg

Life in Prison for Mexican ex-Secretary!


New York,US, Sep 19 (EFE). –

The US Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York said Wednesday that former Mexican Security Secretary Genaro García Luna (2006-2012) deserves life in prison and a minimum fine of 5 million dollars.

The request was included in a letter sent by U.S. Attorney Breon Peace to Judge Brian Cogan just weeks before the October 9 sentencing hearing, in which he stated that García Luna’s “crimes demand justice.

The former Mexican security secretary was found guilty in February on all charges related to drug trafficking, organized crime, and false testimony, which could cost him 20 years to life in prison.

Peace’s letter insists that “the defendant committed these egregious acts while outwardly branding himself as the enemy of drug cartels and the ally of the United States.”

The prosecution recalls the number of deaths during García Luna’s tenure as security secretary: about 62,000 American overdose victims and about 60,000 Mexican victims.

“It is difficult to overstate the magnitude of the defendant’s crimes, the deaths and addiction he facilitated, and his betrayal of the people of Mexico and the United States,” the letter stated.

Peace added that the former secretary committed additional crimes while in prison, accusing him of bribing other inmates at the Metropolitan Center (MDC) to fabricate false evidence.

The brief does not refute the arguments that Garcia Luna presented on Tuesday in a handwritten letter in which he denounced the “inhumane conditions” in prison.

He also said the US government had attempted to frame him by setting him up with cellmates who allegedly recorded 2,000 hours of conversations. EFE

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